About Us


Northern Alternate Power Systems - N.A.P.S. Solar Store was founded 1985 in Pink Mountain, B.C. by Bob & Marjorie McCormick. In 2001 they sold the business to Denis & Carolee Beaulieu in Fairview, AB, whom Sam Glauser & Corinne Moor bought the business in May 2008 from.

Sam & Corinne own a small farm in Scottswood by Fairview, AB, where they are living off the Grid since 1997. They were customers of N.A.P.S. Solar Store and they liked the products so much that they decided to buy the business when it came up for sale.
Office hours are Tuesday - Saturday 9 am - 1pm MT.
Please, call if you would like to visit N.A.P.S. Solar Store




Our sales are within Canada from Coast - to Coast - to Coast. There is no place to remote for us.